Karani Nyamu Is Positive For The Children To Learn Sports Like Never Before!
Karani Nyamu is an Nairobi based African businessman of high repute. He is not only astute in his busness endavours, he invests heavily in the future of youth in Kenya. He is a gentleman with a vision to positively impace those around him. His business ventures span Technology, Real estate and Sports. Karani Nyamu Ann Waiguru in 2002 together with Chris Amimo, founded LigiNdogo, Kenya’s first and premier Childrens football academy. Ligi was a culimnation of an illustrous career in sports promotion that started in 1996 wih the founding of 3on3 basketball junior challenge. Together with Patrick Musimba and Andrew Lopokoiyit, Karani and Amimo took the basketball scene by storm. Intorducing what was at the time a novel mode of playing modeled on street basketball popularised in the inner cities of America. Karani Nyamu Luke Ouko, and his partners took 3on3 to the highest level with in its uptake by Coca Cola for its brand Sprite, 3on3 now renamned Spriteball took Africa...